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Delhi Dialogue Commission official website

AAP fires their Delhi Dialogue Commission's secretary for chewing gutka

May 092015

AAP fires their Delhi Dialogue Commission's secretary Ashish Joshi for chewing gutka

New Delhi, May 9 (PTI) The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government today refuted the charges levelled by former Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC) member-secretary and IP&TAFS officer Ashish Joshi, and alleged that the officer has been running a “systematic vilification campaign” against it. [1]

The government also alleged that Joshi has been “harassing” its officials since he was relieved from his additional duty and has been making “unsuccessful attempts” to contact its officers through e-mail and on telephone.

"It is a pity that after a month’s research, all they could come up with is that I consume gutka. I am not aware of this purported letter. If it is true, you can see that it is a classic case of a witch hunt.” [2]

Joshi called AAP as "bloodsuckers" in an interview with ANI "I only smoke cigar, but what about those who suck blood of others." [3]

The Delhi Dialogue

Aug 292011

The Delhi Dialogue is conceived by India Against Corruption in 2010 as a direct model of collaborative and inclusive democracy.

As the national capital, Delhi is the standard by which India is compared internationally. So, an efficient administration and planned development are absolutely necessary for Delhi to aspire to be a capital city.

Successive corrupt governments of Delhi have ensured that the basic needs of the people of Delhi have remained unanswered – eg. employment, sanitation, clean drinking water, electricity and affordable housing.

Honest, accountable and responsive government needs people’s genuine participation if there is to be any governance at all. The only way to transform a city is to be in a constant dialogue with the city and the people who live in it.

IAC believes that the time has come for having a mechanism for direct democracy with the government. It is with this intention that the IAC proposes a Delhi Dialogue Committee to communicate popular local solutions for a range of civic issues to the Government of NCT of Delhi.


Delhi Dialogue Commission )c( 2010