Delhi Dialogue Commission
The Delhi Dialogue Commission was conceived in 2010 by the India Against Corruption collective as a people's commission to communicate the people's views on local governance issues to the Government of Delhi as part of direct democracy.
FRAUD : The Aam Aadmi Party later plagiarized and distorted IAC's scheme by setting up a so-called Delhi Dialogue Commission as a Government funded body co-terminus only with AAP's government in Delhi.
RESPONSE : on 14 May 2015 India Against Corruption responded by establishing a popular Delhi Dialogue Commission as originally conceived to directly communicate with the Government of Delhi- as by law defined.
ACCORDINGLY:This website shall monitor and review both versions of the Delhi Dialogue Commission which have emanated from the IAC movement.
1. History of Delhi Dialogue Commission
A section of IAC chose to separate from the movement by 2013 to form the 'Aam Aadmi Party' and by February 2015, due to the enormous goodwill of the IAC andolan, AAP contrived to secure a popular mandate to form the Government in Delhi.
To frustrate the desire of IAC to communicate the people's voice to Government, the AAP hastily erected a dubious and temporary ad-hoc committee of government secretaries and styled it as the "Delhi Dialogue Commission" to encash IAC's goodwill and to confuse the public at large.
From March 2015 onwards a series of scandals and controversies erupted in the Delhi Dialogue Commission which carried forward into May 2015. Finally on 14th May 2015, IAC's National Convenor announced that IAC is establishing their own Delhi Dialogue Commission (IAC) as a people's commission as originally conceived by the undivided movement.
2. Text of Delhi Dialogue Commission scope
The Delhi Dialogue is conceived by India Against Corruption in 2010 as a direct model of collaborative and inclusive democracy.
As the national capital, Delhi is the standard by which India is compared internationally. So, an efficient administration and planned development are absolutely necessary for Delhi to aspire to be a capital city.
Successive corrupt governments of Delhi have ensured that the basic needs of the people of Delhi have remained unanswered – eg. employment, sanitation, clean drinking water, electricity and affordable housing.
Honest, accountable and responsive government needs people’s genuine participation if there is to be any governance at all. The only way to transform a city is to be in a constant dialogue with the city and the people who live in it.
IAC believes that the time has come for having a mechanism for direct democracy with the government. It is with this intention that the IAC proposes a Delhi Dialogue Committee to communicate popular local solutions for a range of civic issues to the Government of NCT of Delhi.
3. Composition of Delhi Dialogue Commission (IAC)
Chairman : Er Sarbajit Roy ;
Vice-Chairman : Shri Veeresh Malik ;
Member : Ms. Gita Dewan Verma ; Expert urban planner
Member : Mr. Ram Kumar Atri ; Land rights expert
4. References
5. Press Releases from Delhi Dialogue Commission (AAP)
- #9 May 2015 :
- # 27 April 2015 :,+27+april+2015
- # 02 April 2015 :,+02+April+2015
- # 23 March 2015 :,+23+march+2015
- # 10March 2015 :,+10+march+2015
- # 27 February 2015 :,+27+febuary+2015