Delhi Dialogue Commission | Official Website | India Against Corruption

Delhi Dialogue Commission official website

Evasive and missing suo-moto RTI disclosure for CM office / GNTD

Jun 222016

Ms. Geetika Sharma / DANICS
Additional Secretary
o/o Chief Minister Delhi

Dear Ms. Sharma

I am concerned that some corrupt persons in office of Chief Minister Delhi have ensured that the mandatory suo-moto disclosure presecribed under section 4 of RTI Act 2005 has been removed from Delhi Govt website. Currently, the only working link among the "17 manuals" of RTI is the one to the PIO and First Appellate Authority in CM Office, and even that is populated with incorrect entries including your own.

As I, as a citizen of India r/o Delhi, would like to know in great depth and detail, about the functioning of the CM Office, I would appreciate if you would update the RTI disclosure for your office expeditiously. The lack of the 17 manuals seriously hinders my ability to seek further information under RTI from your office.

For your ready reference I am also cut-n-pasting the present links from showing the links to be filled in.


Sarbajit Roy
Delhi Dialogue Commission
B-59 Defence Colony, New Delhi 110024
Tel : 8010205897


1. Particulars of organization 2. Power and duties of officers/Employees 3. Procedure for Decision Making 4. Norms for discharge of functions 5. Rules,Regulations for discharge of functions 6. Statement of categories 7. Details of consultative committees and other bodies 8. List of boards,councils,committees and other bodies 9. Directory of officers/employees 10. Monthly remuneration of officers/employees 11. Budget allocated to each agency 12. Execution of subsidy program 13. Particulars of recipients of concessions,permits 14. Information available in an electronic form 15. Facilities available for obtaining information 16. Particulars of PIOs 17. Other information Prescribed

PUBLIC NOTICE: Delhi Dialogue Commission

May 172016

We are pleased to inform the public at large as follows:-

That pursuant to IAC's complaints in various quarters, the Aam Aadmi Party Govt of Delhi has seen fit to rename their illegal "Delhi Dialogue Commission" to "Dialogue & Development Commission".

The "Delhi Dialogue Commission" is our well known name / mark,

The official website of Delhi Dialogue Commission is ""

The official Facebook page of Delhi Dialogue Commission is ""




The Delhi Dialogue

Aug 292011

The Delhi Dialogue is conceived by India Against Corruption in 2010 as a direct model of collaborative and inclusive democracy.

As the national capital, Delhi is the standard by which India is compared internationally. So, an efficient administration and planned development are absolutely necessary for Delhi to aspire to be a capital city.

Successive corrupt governments of Delhi have ensured that the basic needs of the people of Delhi have remained unanswered – eg. employment, sanitation, clean drinking water, electricity and affordable housing.

Honest, accountable and responsive government needs people’s genuine participation if there is to be any governance at all. The only way to transform a city is to be in a constant dialogue with the city and the people who live in it.

IAC believes that the time has come for having a mechanism for direct democracy with the government. It is with this intention that the IAC proposes a Delhi Dialogue Committee to communicate popular local solutions for a range of civic issues to the Government of NCT of Delhi.


Delhi Dialogue Commission )c( 2010