Delhi Dialogue Commission | Official Website | India Against Corruption

Delhi Dialogue Commission official website

Delhi Dialogue Commission, a fraud on the citizens

May 152015

Improper actions of AAP Govt. in Delhi

May 14, 2015

Dear IAC subscribers

I am pleased to inform IAC community that after the continual evasions of AAP's Delhi Govt. Secretariat, including Chief Secretary, the office of Hon'ble L-G of Delhi has taken cognisance of our complaints that "WiFi in Delhi" scheme is being carried in a non-transparent, corrupt and fraudulent matter by a so-called Delhi Dialogue Commission and with manipulation of transfers of certain officers.

IAC is well cognisant that the term "Delhi Dialogue" was coined and used during the IAC andolan of 2011-2012, and indisputably precedes the 2010 phase of IAC andolan,since from at least January 21-22 2009 ! As such the term "Delhi Dialogue" is an IPR asset of IAC flowing from the original Brahmic legacy of Ms. Sarojini Naidu, a member of HRA.

IAC would have had no objection if this term/mark was used strictly for apolitical purposes by anybody in the public interest. However, the AAP has proceeded / attempted to convert this widely known public mark into its personal property, strangely to be co-terminus with its Government, through a dubious GoNCTD notification issued, in name of the Hon'ble L-G, by an officer who properly should have been sitting in the UT of Andaman and Nicobar. It is strange that this self styled AAP 'Commission' is not constituted by any act of legislature to make it a body corporate. Neither is it a Commission of Inquiry.

Accordingly, IAC has reason to think that the term "commission" as used by GoNCTD is actually a code word to indicate to vested interests where to negotiate the bribes to be paid through this irregular body which is presided over by Shri Arvind Kejriwal.

Accordingly also, in the public interest, IAC had taken formal steps to register / secure its own interest in the name "Delhi Dialogue Commission", and as today IAC stands duly registered / licenced with the Central Government to use the mark 'Delhi Dialogue Commission', and we shall actually be doing so very shortly, and also conveying our strong protests and objections to the Govt of Delhi asking them to cease and desist from using our licenced mark, especially for misuse and annexation of lands and the associated rights in Delhi at the cost of the poor or deprived peoples like farmers and slum dwellers.

Accordingly also, as an urgent interim measure, the IAC hereby constitutes a working "Delhi Dialogue Commission" as below with immediate effect from our list members.

  1. Chairman : Er Sarbajit Roy ;
  2. Vice-Chairman : Shri Veeresh Malik ;
  3. Member : Ms. Gita Dewan Verma ; Expert urban planner
  4. Member : Mr. Ram Kumar Atri ; Land rights expert

All positions are honorary and unpaid. No.TA/DA etc. shall be allowed.

Further information shall ensue from this IAC Commission in due course, including addition / co-opting of members / experts / RWA etc. to ensure widest possible participation of people of Delhi, especially slum dwellers, farmers and workers, in having honest and transparent structured dialogues with the Government of Delhi for their problems / grievances.

National Convenor
India Against Corruption, jan andolan

The Delhi Dialogue

Aug 292011

The Delhi Dialogue is conceived by India Against Corruption in 2010 as a direct model of collaborative and inclusive democracy.

As the national capital, Delhi is the standard by which India is compared internationally. So, an efficient administration and planned development are absolutely necessary for Delhi to aspire to be a capital city.

Successive corrupt governments of Delhi have ensured that the basic needs of the people of Delhi have remained unanswered – eg. employment, sanitation, clean drinking water, electricity and affordable housing.

Honest, accountable and responsive government needs people’s genuine participation if there is to be any governance at all. The only way to transform a city is to be in a constant dialogue with the city and the people who live in it.

IAC believes that the time has come for having a mechanism for direct democracy with the government. It is with this intention that the IAC proposes a Delhi Dialogue Committee to communicate popular local solutions for a range of civic issues to the Government of NCT of Delhi.


Delhi Dialogue Commission )c( 2010